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Greek Religion eBook

Archaic And Classical

de Walter Burkert

idioma: inglês
editor: WILEY, junho de 2013
"Greek Religion . . . already has the standing of a classic, and the publication of an English version, which incorporates new material and is in effect a second edition, demands a toast . . . Anyone who pretends to survey Greek religion must be phenomenally learned. Burkert is. His book is a marvel of professional scholarship." London Review of Books "This book has established itself as a masterpiece, packed with learning but also rich in ideas and connections of every sort. Its appearance in a good English translation is an event not only for Hellenists but for all those interested in the study of religion . . . nobody else could have produced an account of the subject of comparable range and power. This will be the best history of Greek religion for this generation." New York Review of Books Cover illustration: detail from an Attic vase, 450 B.C., showing a victory sacrifice (The Mansell Collection).

Greek Religion

Archaic And Classical

de Walter Burkert

Propriedade Descrição
ISBN: 9781118724996
Editor: WILEY
Data de Lançamento: junho de 2013
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo de produto: eBook
Formato e Compatibilidade:
Coleção: Ancient World
Classificação temática: eBooks em Inglês > História > História Antiga
EAN: 9781118724996
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