Triumph of Time and Truth, The (Darlow, London Handel Orch.) - CD Música

editora: HYPERION, março de 2005


Disco 2
01 - Come, O Time, and thy broad wings displaying
02 - Mortals Think That Time Is Sleeping
03 - You hoped to call in vain, but see me here
04 - False Destructive Ways of Pleasure
05 - Too Long Deluded You Have Been
06 - Lovely Beauty, Close Those Eyes
07 - Seek not to know what known will prove
08 - Melancholy
09 - What is the present hour? 'tis born and gone!
10 - Fain would I, two hearts enjkoying.
11 - Vain the Delights of Age Or Youth
12 - On the Valleys, Dark and Cheerless
13 - Not venial error this, but stubborn pride
14 - Ere to dust is changed thy beauty.
15 - Sinfonia
16 - Once More I Thee Address
17 - Sharp Thorns Despising
18 - Regard her not. Unvalued here
19 - Pleasure! My Former Ways Resigning
20 - Since the Immortal Mirror I Possess
21 - Thus to ground, thou false, delusive
22 - O mighty Truth! thy power I see
23 - From the Heart That Feels My Warning
24 - Pleasure, Too Long Associates We Have Been
25 - Like clouds, stormy winds then impelling
26 - Farewell; - now Truth, descending from the sky
27 - Guardian Angels, Oh, Protect Me
28 - Alleluja!

Disco 1
01 - Overture
02 - Time Is Supreme
03 - How Happy Could I Linger Here
04 - Faithful mirror, fair-reflecting
05 - Fear Not! I, Pleasure, Swear
06 - Pensive sorrow, deep-possessing
07 - Come, Come! Live With Pleasure
08 - Turn, look on me!
09 - The Beauty Smiling
10 - Our different powers we'll try
11 - Ever-flowing Tides of Pleasure
12 - The Hand of Time Pulls Down
13 - Loathsome urns, disclose your treasure
14 - Strengthen us, O Time, with all thy lore
15 - Too rigid, the reproof you give
16 - Happy, If Still They Reign in Pleasure
17 - Youth Is Not Rich in Time
18 - Like the Shadow, Life Ever Is Flying
19 - Pleasure Submits to Pain
20 - Here Pleasure Keeps His Splendid Court
21 - Oh, How Great the Glory
22 - Dryads, Sylvans, With Fair Flora

Triumph of Time and Truth, The (Darlow, London Handel Orch.) - CD

Propriedade Descrição
Data de Lançamento: março de 2005
Dimensões: 125 x 140 x 8 mm
Tipo de produto: Música
Classificação temática: Clássica > Vocal/Coral
EAN: 0034571120508
Número de discos: 2
Duração (m): 123.00
Formato: CD / Album