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Oecd Studies On Smes And Entrepreneurship : Poland 2010

idioma: francês
editor: OCDE, agosto de 2010
The rapid growth of entrepreneurship and small firms has been one of the greatest successes in post-Communist transformation in Poland. SMEs have greatly contributed to employment, investment and value added in the Polish economy. However, key barriers to further growth remain in the business environment for SMEs and entrepreneurs. This book sets out the current SME and entrepreneurship climate, reviews SME and entrepreneurship issues and policies at national and local levels, and provides observations and recommendations for improving and supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs in Poland.

Foreword Executive Summary Chapter 1. SME and Entrepreneurship Performance in Poland Today Chapter 2. SME Framework Conditions and the Business Environment in Poland Chapter 3. SME and Entrepreneurship Policies and Programmes in Poland Chapter 4. The Local Dimension to SME and Entrepreneurship Policy in Poland Chapter 5. SME and Entrepreneurship Policy Assessment and Recommendations for Poland Annex A. Chronology of Major SME and Entrepreneurship Policy Events and Initiatives in Poland Annex B. Main Strategic Documents and SME and Entrepreneurship-Related Policies Since 2003

Oecd Studies On Smes And Entrepreneurship : Poland 2010

Propriedade Descrição
ISBN: 9789264081864
Editor: OCDE
Data de Lançamento: agosto de 2010
Idioma: Francês
Tipo de produto: Livro
Coleção: Pour Les Deb
Classificação temática: Livros em Francês > Economia, Finanças e Contabilidade > Economia
EAN: 9789264081864
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