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Finding Afro-Mexico eBook

Race And Nation After The Revolution

de Theodore W. Cohen

idioma: inglês
editor: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, maio de 2020
In 2015, the Mexican state counted how many of its citizens identified as Afro-Mexican for the first time since independence. Finding Afro-Mexico reveals the transnational interdisciplinary histories that led to this celebrated reformulation of Mexican national identity. It traces the Mexican, African American, and Cuban writers, poets, anthropologists, artists, composers, historians, and archaeologists who integrated Mexican history, culture, and society into the African Diaspora after the Revolution of 1910. Theodore W. Cohen persuasively shows how these intellectuals rejected the nineteenth-century racial paradigms that heralded black disappearance when they made blackness visible first in Mexican culture and then in post-revolutionary society. Drawing from more than twenty different archives across the Americas, this cultural and intellectual history of black visibility, invisibility, and community-formation questions the racial, cultural, and political dimensions of Mexican history and Afro-diasporic thought.

Finding Afro-Mexico

Race And Nation After The Revolution

de Theodore W. Cohen

Propriedade Descrição
ISBN: 9781108671170
Data de Lançamento: maio de 2020
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo de produto: eBook
Formato e Compatibilidade:
Coleção: Afro-Latin America
Classificação temática: eBooks em Inglês > História > História da África
EAN: 9781108671170