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Distinct Identities eBook

Minority Women In U.S. Politics

de Sarah Allen Gershon e Nadia E. Brown

idioma: inglês
editor: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, abril de 2016
Minority women in the United States draw from their unique personal experiences, born of their identities, to impact American politics. Whether as political elites or as average citizens, minority women demonstrate that they have a unique voice that more often than not centers on their visions of justice, equality, and fairness. In this volume, Dr. Nadia E. Brown and Sarah Allen Gershon seek to present studies of minority women that highlight how they are similar and dissimilar to other groups of women or minorities, as well as variations within groups of minority women. Current demographic and political trends suggest that minority populations-specifically minority women-will be at the forefront of shaping U.S. politics. Yet, scholars still have very little understanding of how these populations will behave politically. This book provides a detailed view of how minority women will utilize their sheer numbers, collective voting behavior, policy preferences, and roles as elected officials to impact American politics.a The scholarship on intersectionality in this volume seeks to push beyond disciplinary constraints to think more holistically about the politics of identity.

Distinct Identities

Minority Women In U.S. Politics

de Sarah Allen Gershon e Nadia E. Brown

Propriedade Descrição
ISBN: 9781317338840
Data de Lançamento: abril de 2016
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 342
Tipo de produto: eBook
Formato e Compatibilidade:
Coleção: Routledge Series On Identity Politics
Classificação temática: eBooks em Inglês > Ciências Sociais e Humanas > Sociologia
EAN: 9781317338840